The Chicken Clinic is a single vet poultry practice, dedicated to treating pet poultry, in and around the Bristol area.

The service is mobile, bringing veterinary service to you. The benefits of seeing birds in their own environment is huge, it helps to provide essential information that may be missed in a clinic setting. My standard appointment time is longer than most vet consultations to allow for this.

About the Chicken Clinic - chicken vet in Bristol

About me

I’m a commercial poultry vet. I’m passionate about poultry health, and providing veterinary services to pet poultry too. I currently work with both pet and commercial poultry, and I hope to expand my services as the Chicken Clinic grows.

Before I trained to be a poultry vet, I owned chickens and ducks for around 15 years. I also volunteered with wildlife charities and with the British Hen Welfare Trust (BHWT) on rehoming days, where I would take the poorly hens and nurse them back to health. This forced my realisation that veterinary services for pet hens are limited, and this was one of my motivations for retraining to become a vet, and to specialise in poultry medicine.

Chickens are now the 4th most popular pet, and unfortunately it’s a common story that owners are unable to find a vet, experienced in chickens or other poultry. I have been working on projects with the BHWT for the past 2 years and we have produced a website ( to provide information and guidance for vets that are inexperienced in treating poultry.

I have also worked with BHWT, Hen Helpline project, to make educational videos for owners regarding pet hen health. See BHWT website for more details.

Dr Sharon Evans BSc (hons), BVSc, MRCVS